Russell Maurice - Fraxtal
Russell Maurice - Fraxtal
Russell Maurice - Fraxtal
Russell Maurice - Fraxtal

Russell Maurice - Fraxtal


"Fraxtal" is the latest limited edition zine from longtime Goodhood collaborator Russell Maurice aka Gasius. In the artist's own words - "“Iʼm old, when I first started making Zines and Teeshirts, personal graphics...

Product Description

"Fraxtal" is the latest limited edition zine from longtime Goodhood collaborator Russell Maurice aka Gasius. In the artist's own words - "“Iʼm old, when I first started making Zines and Teeshirts, personal graphics computers simply wheren't a thing (I mean, they existed but you had to be either very rich or a Graphic Design agency). There was no mobile phones, Photographs where made on film and developed at a shop or chemist.

I made all my Zine and Teeshirt artwork (including the colour separations for screen printing) on a Xerox machine. For the colour separations Iʼd use a photocopy of the design and used Tippex (white out) and a black pen.

This project is a celebration or ‘ye olden daysʼ, analog as hell, scissors, glue, white out, halftone overlays and most of all of the mighty Xerox machine, (which I still use a lot in my work)...

Of doing what needed to be done with what we had available and little money.
I haven’t used my computer for anything I made for this project. I started with experimentation at my local Conviniʼs Xerox machine, making images using natural objects placed directly onto the glass, sometimes using this as the starting point for my drawings, utilizing the enlargement facility on the copy machine, I went microscopic... or as far as the halftone allowed, (400% x 400% x ...). Using these resulting images and merging these with my drawings, often putting the prints back through the machine and double printing them, (so to add pattern to drawings etc). Everything collaged by hand. I used a halftone overlay, and sometimes just used my raw drawings, often moving the drawings on the glass whilst copying. All these methods were used to make the final publication and apparel print designs. Glue, scissors, paper, ink, a lot of white out, experimentation, spending a lot of time in the convini and then even more in the studio editing and processing 1000 Xeroxʼs".

  • Limited Edition
  • Printed in Japan


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